Well, maybe never bothered.
I feel selfish and stupid.
For the most part, stupid.
Full analytical report for sam
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General statistics
Total number of questions: 30
Questions answered: 30
Questions not answered: 0
Questions answered correctly: 27
Questions answered incorrectly: 3
Percentage correct answers: 90 %
Your age adjusted IQ score is 132 and the average score for all test takers is 100.
Your Grade ** Gifted **
Anyone with a general IQ this high is considered to be gifted. You have the ability to think critically, conceptualize ideas and form your own conclusions. Your ability to think in patterns and to produce order out of chaos enables you to handle complexities and see logic in everything. Needless to say you are self-aware of your abilities and have the brains for all known occupations. If you think of intelligence as the ability to adapt easily to new situations then you are at the top of the charts.
The bell curve (also called a "normal curve" or "normal distribution") is a graph that shows approximately how much of the population falls into each IQ range. In theory, if we tested everyone in the world with a traditional IQ test, most people would score in the "Average" range. A smaller number would score moderately below average and moderately above average. Very high and very low scores are rare.
The scores and percentiles above apply to tests that have a standard deviation of 15 points. The Stanford Binet Fourth Edition (Binet FE) has a standard deviation of 16 and the Wechsler scales (such as the WPPSI-R, the WISC-III, and the WAIS-III) have a standard deviation of 15. Therefore, for different scales the percentages may vary.
Click here to convert your score to the Cattell and Stanford-Binet scale.
Grade Statistics
Grade | Range | Percent |
Genius | >144 | 0.13% |
Gifted | 130-144 | 2.14% |
Above average | 115-129 | 13.59% |
Higher average | 100-114 | 34.13% |
Lower average | 85-99 | 34.13% |
Below average | 70-84 | 13.59% |
Borderline low | 55-69 | 2.14% |
Low | <55 | 0.13% |
Mental abilities have the highest correlation with general intelligence of all objectively measurable abilities and they are the primary focus of this test. Furthermore the mental abilities targeted for measurement were specifically chosen because they have been shown to correlate highly with many other abilities. The graphs below show how you scored in various abilities such as pattern recognition and logical reasoning - skills which are all reliable predictors of academic achievement. Graphical representation of intelligence scores.
Strengths and weaknesses Your highest score was in Spatial Exceptional intelligence does not guarantee results -- to achieve excellence you must fully understand your strengths and learn to maximize your efforts. Knowing your greatest intellectual strength may give you insight into how you can improve your learning process, work better with others, or become more self aware of your abilities. According to this test your spatial skills are the most developed of all your intellectual capabilities - your capability to manipulate 3-D objects in space is your biggest strength.
Your lowest score was in Classification Weaknesses are the roadblocks we face when trying to achieve our goals. Awareness of your weaknesses allows you to predict problems and find solutions ahead of time, thereby alleviating future headaches. According to this test your classification skills are the most underdeveloped of all your intellectual capabilities - your capability to discover the commonalities between words, pictures and objects is your biggest weakness. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sam, based on our experience with many different professionals, your color preferences indicate that the occupations below best suit your personality and interests. Note also that a listed profession, never before considered, may seem off. For example, if you love to type, data entry operator might be listed as well, even though you want to be a fiction writer.
Key Words: Independent, Self-Motivated, Reserved, Introspective, Analytical, and Curious
e investigative types gather information, analyze and interpret data, and inquire to uncover new facts. They have a strong scientific orientation, enjoy academic or research environments and prefer self-reliant jobs. Dislikes are group projects, selling, and repetitive activities.
Suggested careers are College Professor, Physician, Psychologist, Pharmacist, Chemist, Marketing Research, Inventor, Sales Forecasting, Project Engineer, Dentist, Identifying Consumer Demand, Chiropractor, Dentist, Medical Technician, Optometrist, Research & Development Manager, Respiratory Therapist, Real Estate Appraiser, Chiropractor, Veterinarian, Geologist, Physicist, Science Teacher, Medical Technologist, and Author of Technical Books.
Task-oriented careers where you can become absorbed in the job, be original and creative, and not conform to rigid company rules will work best for you. Unstructured organizations, for example, that allow you to sail your own ship are vital.
Suggested Researcher workplaces are universities and colleges, home office positions, medical facilities, computer-related industries, scientific foundations and think tanks, research firms, and design laboratories.
Key Words: Self-Control, Practical, Self-Contained, Orderly, Systematic, Precise, and Accurate
These conservative appearing, plotting-types enjoy organizing, data systems, accounting, detail, and accuracy. They often enjoy mathematics and data management activities such as accounting and investment management. Persistence and patience allows them to do detailed paperwork, operate office machines, write business reports, and make charts and graphs.
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