For a while now, I have been trying to figure out what is causing my "mood swings" which is quite a problem for my studies and maybe determination to lose weight(though I think, it is more of an excuse). I have tried my methods to deal with the problem, nothing seems to the really work. But, deep down, I may already have the answer which I refuse to face. Nonetheless, that's that for now.
I know I have been "complaining" about the amount of birthday wishes I had received this year, but I just don't understand how come, that's all. Curious~ By the end of the day, I still ended up being contented with my birthday this year, though I there was a hint of sadness, disappointment and maybe regret. I don't wish to point fingers. I had a part to play too, which is why I don't wish to let such things happen again(or at least try to prevent it from happening).
Sometimes, I forgot that if we wanted something, we should work for it rather than waiting for it to come. I bet everyone will go something like "Of course la...you think will drop from the sky meh?". Cliche but for obvious reasons.
So, I will try to my best to make it work.
I am not sure whether I did this consistently for all the years, but I think from time to time I will thank people for being part of my life.
So, if I had to choose someone, that would be Rei-chan. Why? It's hard to put it all in words. I won't know how to explain as well. But, spending time just listening to your whims can already be enjoyable. What's more I have told you before, you are the best thing that happened me so far for 2010. I couldn't ask more for a birthday present. So, I don't care being too nice or just being around you might hurt my chances with other girls, it just means my time has yet to come. Although, I have failed with other people in the past and that made me weary about this kind of relationships, I wish to believe it would be different this time.
I hope you don't cry after reading because that's not my purpose. And I shall stop here before I get more and more mushy which I am sure none of us likes =P
Arigatou Rei-Chan~
Author Notes: Sorry dear readers, I know I mentioned previously about the planned plot for Splitza which was suppose to unfold on 26 Mar 10. But, wasn't in the mood to get in down and now I am going(trying) into a intensive revision for my up coming exams. So, I have to put it on hiatus again. After my exams, I will be sitting down trying to draft the script for my item next year, maybe I will use the existing plot or something totally different.
Till next time~
Till next time~
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