Today, I decided to blog because of 2 reasons(not the topic of the day).
1) I was feeling damn irritated in the morning.
2) Felt slacky today and decided to take the day from studying. (which lead to a right decision)
Time and time again people will say that we are all too fast paced. Zoom here and there, everything has been ASAP. I am one of those people who say and do the zooming at the same time. Yes, I know I just openly contradicted myself. But, I am sure I am not the only one(not saying that to make myself feel better).
But, an encounter today made be realised how zooming around can knock people down in the process. Basically, a customer called to ask for some information, which I tried to give him, but he wasn't satisfied with my answer. I tried to ask if he wanted me to transfer his call to the appropriate person in charge he refused saying its too long winded(I was like 'Huh?'). In the end he got fed-up and hang up on me. I shan't go into details of what happen and technically speaking that person wasn't talking to me logically in the first place. In the end, has still has to come back to us for help. As the Chinese saying goes '早知如此, 何必当初。' So, after while of feeling upset about it(because initially I feel that I didn't handle the situation well), I decided that I should forgive him for his fallacy.
Fortunately, someone reminded me of some things in life that I should think about and now I deem as important. Maybe they have occured to me before, but I guess I forgot about them or they simply didn't register then.
Sometimes because we feel that since its the norm, we just follow it blindly. Later, then we realise that the norm does not coincide with our beliefs. At that point time, people who are strong minded might decide to change their behaviour and do as they deem fit, ignoring the fact that they may be same as the out- lyer.
Nobody says that you have to get a degree, drive a car, live in big houses, earn big money and many more to be happy. That's what most people think that lies at the end of the road, which is true if you are one of those who things that happiness can't be achieved without wealth. Right now let's be realistic, we all agree that we need to earn enough at least to feed , clothe and probably put a shelter over our heads. This norm would probably fit most people, although I am sad to say not all are able to achieve this.
So, after achieving this, what's next? I believe everyone has their own set of beliefs and values, which is shaped by many factors to list. And along the way, our beliefs gets shaken because of the so called society norms. This is the time where we should ask, 'What is it we really want? What is it that truely brings happiness to our lives?'
For those whose wants is the same as the society norms, then good for them. For those who don't, then maybe you should take time to think about it.
Once you have decided to embark on a journey, don't complain or blame. Because you chose this path(even if it was because of other circumstances, YOU still CHOSE this path). As the army term goes, suck thumb lor...
Anyways, I not sure whether I make sense a not because I am just typing as it flows in my head. It may be circular logic, but I guess you guys should get the rough picture.
I want to thank the person who give me this accidentally enlightenment or maybe just a reminder, a wake up call. Although, I am not sure whether she has any idea what she has done or said in the first place, I guess it's not important.
Relationships are fragile.
Things happen.
I guess somestimes we have to accept reality for what it is.
I have to accept myself for who I am.
I will be appreciated.
Life should be the way it is that you see it,
not as the way people paint it.